Join the Wartrend revolution

At Wartrend we do not leave anyone indifferent. Our unisex clothing is the best example of this.

The Company

I’m new here and I need an introduction, so I’m going to tell you who I am!

I am WARTREND and I am born from your need to be free and at the same time belong to a community, but one that does not limit you, that does not demand or condition you, a community of fun people, where everyone has a saved place. I am new energy, vitality and respect, I am the one who comes to break the established parameters, the one who puts his hand on your back and pushes you to fight for everything that one day you thought yes and then you said no, that you couldn’t. , that it was not for you, that you did not deserve it. I have come to take care of you, but I would love not to be alone and that we help others. We are going to fight new battles, together we are going to decide what our next fight will be.

The Team

El equipo de Wartrend está compuesto por personas multidisciplinares y amantes de las últimas tecnologías y tendencias, que fomentan la inclusión social a través de la moda.


Business Development

Fashion lover and psychologist, creator of HR projects for companies. She now joins this brand as part of the management team and HR.



One of the largest content creators in Spain, adding a total of +3.4 million followers on all its networks. She already has two books for sale and she now adds her biggest project to her career, as co-founder and in the design and image team.



She is a fashion lover, nursing student, and content creator, with +450 thousand followers on all her networks. She also adds this project to her career, as co-founder and in the design and image team.



Designer and stylist, he has dedicated his entire life to the fashion sector, participating in the image of major national brands. He joins this project as co-director of image and brand designer.